Two Campfires...
Imagine yourself sitting in front of two campfires, both burning equally strong.
Now imagine wanting to let one campfire fizzle out, so that you have only one ablaze.
To allow the one taper off, let’s say in this case you just stop tending to it – you stop adding more sticks to it.
For the one you want to keep burning, you add more sticks to it.
Makes sense, doesn’t it? The one you pay less attention to will eventually dwindle, and the one you keep adding sticks to, will keep burning.
Now imagine that one of the campfires represents what you want and everything that goes along with that: the “pro’s” (vs the “minus’”), the plus’ (vs. the “cons”) good feeling-feelings (aka, contentment, satisfaction, clarity, pleasure, fun, hopefulness, positive expectation, happiness, joy, love, freedom, empowerment), the things you want (vs. the things you don’t), the relationships, friendships, the experiences etc.
The other campfire represents the things you don’t want and everything that goes along with that: the “minus’”, the “cons”, the feelings that don’t feel so good (aka, discontentment, dissatisfaction, confusion, frustration, irritation, overwhelm, doubt, blame, anger, resentment, powerlessness).
Which one of these campfires do you want to lessen? Which do you want to add to?
Your mind is an incredible tool. You are a powerful being. You are energy. Your thoughts create and your emotions let you know what you’re in the process - right now - of creating. Not only are you creating your experience of this moment right now, you’re also adding sticks to one of those campfires and keeping it burning into your future. Creation is about focus.
It’s never too late to add more sticks to the fire you want to keep enhancing. It’s never too late to stop adding sticks to the one you want to become smaller.
Next time you find yourself adding sticks to the campfire you’d rather not fuel (clue: you feel negative feeling emotion(s)), remember the campfire analogy and ask yourself if there’s another campfire you’d rather add sticks to instead.
Next time you find yourself adding sticks to the campfire that you want to fuel (clue: you feel good-feeling emotion(s)), keep adding sticks and let that campfire burn strong.
You’re always in charge of which campfire you add more sticks to (whether you think you are or not).