/the keep it simple, smartypants foundation
What is it:
This is a minimum 6 month partnership which begins with building foundations of three things you need to know to allow the forward movement, improvements and changes you’re seeking.
We’ll begin with understanding the laws of the universe so you can create more impact, and lead more intentionally with clarity and confidence. Each week we’ll discuss those things that matter to you, why they matter to you, and what’s required to accomplish a more aligned perspective to have more of the tangible results you want and more of how you want to feel on-your-way-to those results. We’ll come up with solutions to help you navigate your personal and business life.
Self-examination and self-accountability are key components to this process.
Through this process you’ll understand yourself more, new ideas and insights will spring forth from our on-going conversations. Because this work is cumulative, you’ll begin to see and experience motion forward, clarity and a new determination to be more deliberate about who you are in the world. Like a fine-tuned engine, you’ll be calibrated to move through life with more precision, and a smoother ride.
By the time we’re done, you’re a different person. You’re changed…for life.
And you were pretty awesome to begin with.
Everything changes, when you change.
Just wait…
All calls are recorded so you can listen to them as often as you want and use them for reference and reminders.
This is ideal for you if:
/ you know you’re putting things in your own way (think, Taylor Swift’s song, “It’s me, hi! I’m the problem, it’s me) ;)
/ you like having a collaborative partner to keep you focused, help you refocus and help you implement the new habits you’re putting into place
/ you like having a coach and advisor who knows you and curates everything according to your unique desires, the life you want, the life you’ve lived, what matters to you, your values, and your mission.
/ you’re ready to say an exuberant YES! to life—for shifts, momentum and exponential results that set you up for a lifelong ride of fun, satisfaction and more
/ you want a solid base of comprehension of the laws of the universe so you can live a more deliberate life (which is much more satisfying than blundering and wishing your way through life)
/ you’re willing to examine your beliefs and how you’ve approached life so far and consider simple (and sometimes seemingly counter-intuitive) perspectives and methods as you move forward
/ you want to tap into what you’re capable of
I only work with a handful of incredible humans. If that’s you, contact me.
Prices vary according to your own unique requirements.
/the keep it simple, smartypants mastery
What is it:
More customized options are available for the mastery of this work once the foundation phase is completed. We design something specifically tailored to your needs, availability, where you’re at in the process and where you’re headed.
Working together longer-term is where you’ll feel more momentum as you continue to integrate your new knowledge and practice new habits, making it easier for you to implement it into your life. With our ongoing partnership, you’ll have me “in your back pocket”–to turn to. I’m not afraid to say that I’m a valuable asset when it comes to living more of the life you want and achieving exponential results. You’ll continue to discover the depths, breadths and positive impact that this work you’re choosing to do, has on your life and everyone around you. Expect me to hold you to a high standard (because I know what you’re capable of) to point out things that you’re too close-to to see clearly yourself, and to say things to you that no one else will.
Prices vary according to your unique requirements.
Please note that our work together will never feel “hard” or like more added workload to what you already have on your plate. While this work is productive, valuable and life changing, it’s always my intention to make it feel more like play. Please also note that it isn’t a set “program” that follows the same prescription for everyone. This is completely adapted and delivered based on who you are, where you are, your desires, and what you can allow. It follows a natural evolution—as you evolve, so does our work together.