/keep it simple, smartypants clarity call

Looking for a quick solution, a resolution, next steps, tools to put into practice and clarity as you continue to navigate things on your own without the commitment of a longer-term coaching partnership?

What is it:

This 90 minute clarity call is specifically curated to what you want to talk about. You set the agenda. Before our call and once you book yourself in, I’ll email you some questions to help us hone-in on what we’re going to focus on. Obviously, we can’t address everything you’ve ever wanted to talk about (because we’re keeping it simple, remember?), so we’ll pick one (or two) things we know we can move you forward on. 

The call is recorded so you can refer to it as much as you’d like.

Expect relief, optimism, clarity, confidence and positive expectation in addition to having direction, tools and next steps. Bonus: you’ll be empowered with new perspectives and simple, effective ways to navigate your life and business.

Who doesn’t want more of that?!?

My specialty is keeping it simple. I’ll help you identify what you’ve got going on in your vibe that’s interfering with what you want, and what you need to think, feel and do to shift—so you can allow more of the extraordinary life you want.

This is ideal for you if:

/ you want an expert view to help you calibrate and be ready for what’s next 
/ you want help sorting something out (aka, you’re feeling stuck)
/ you want to learn more about your own vibe and how to shift it (because the essence of your vibe is responsible for everything you live)
/ you want clarity 
/ you want to stop overthinking and let it be simple

I only work with a handful of incredible humans. If that’s you, contact me.


1,700 USD


An additional 30 days of voxer support (a voice memo and texting app) if you want more access to me over and above our call time. 


3,200 USD (includes clarity call + voxer)


/keep it simple, smartypants virtual VIP day

Want to rise high and hook into some momentum in one intense, dynamic day?

What is it:

This is a dynamic, energizing day primarily for visionaries who want more than good enough, mediocrity, or the status quo, without the hustle or the struggle.  Whether you feel like something’s missing, you’ve “lost your path” or you’re in a big growth period, we’ll waste no time identifying what matters to you, what you want, and what’s tripping you up. It’s an innovative approach to traditional coaching intended to get you in and out fast (think—a quick but effective workout). By the end of the day, you’ll feel optimized and ready for what’s next.  

It’s designed to be a stand-alone day, or as a beginning point to a longer coaching engagement.  Some clients have chosen to do a VIP day every quarter to keep their life and business moving in the direction they want to go (and to get out of their own way).

I’m currently offering 1 VIP day per month and booking out months ahead.

This is ideal for you if:

/ you’re short on time and just want to “get to it”
/ you’re not ready to (or don’t feel you need) a longer coaching engagement but want a full day to focus on YOU
/ you like implementing things on your own
/ you want quick clarity on one or two areas of your life and/or business
/ you want a simplified approach to what you’ve been doing, because you’re a smartypants and tend to get in your own way by overthinking  

How it works:

General overview: It’s a full virtual day — from 11:00-4:30 EST that’s all about you. In addition to being like a quick, simple and effective workout, you could also think of it as a spa-day meets your next fun adventure. Depending on your schedule and mine, we can also split this into 2 days, doing segment one and two on day 1 and the third segment on day 2. Once we’ve had a discovery call and identified a VIP day would be a good fit for you, we book you in.  I’ll email you some questions to hone-in on what we’re going to focus on. The day is recorded which means you’ll be able to reference it as many times as you want.  We’ll also do a 60 minute call in 30 days to review, recalibrate, and refresh based on where you’re at now.  Trust me, you’ll be in a different place than you were 30 days ago.  

So if you want to:

/ reignite your enthusiasm, passion and momentum
/ remove thought patterns, emotional habits, and self-imposed limitations by creating new approaches
/ regain control 
/ reawaken possibilities
/ restore the best you

I only work with a handful of incredible humans. If that’s you, contact me.


9,700 USD


An additional 30 days of voxer support (a voice memo and text app) if you want more access to me over and above our VIP day. 


11,200 USD (includes VIP day + voxer)



Please note that our work together will never feel “hard” or like more added workload to what you already have on your plate. While this work is productive, valuable and life changing, it’s always my intention to make it feel more like play.  Please also note that it isn’t a set “program” that follows the same prescription for everyone. This is completely adapted and delivered based on who you are, where you are, your desires, and what you can allow. It follows a natural evolution—as you evolve, so does our work together.