There are things that people expect you to be.
There are things you think people expect you to be.
There are things you expect you to be.
You might think you should be doing better.
You might think that all of those people are doing way better than you - way smarter, way funnier, way-more-handsome, and way more having-their-shit-together.
You compare yourself to the posts on the FacePlace (FB) and wonder...
...Well, you wonder whatever you wonder.
You want to look good to others. You want to make an impression. You want them to think you're smart. You want to be impressive, liked, loved, acknowledged and gushed-over.
You want to say the most intelligent and wisest thing ever said. You want to be worthy of their praises, highlights, high reels, and high fives.
You want to stand out but maybe not-so-much that the bar is too high for you to live up to it.
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