So You Think You Want Control?

You want a way to control what's going on around you so that it doesn't feel so random and unpredictable. 

You want...predictability. 

You want consistency from the one you're with. 

You want to know what's going to happen in a future that hasn't happened yet. 

You want...certainty. 

Not in a boring kind-of-way that means you have to plan every last-thing right down to the details of what you're going to eat for lunch next Tuesday at 11:53:42 am, ET.  Nawwww...not in that way.  ;)

But you do want to be prepared.  You want to know.  You want a sense of control over your life.  

Maybe you feel it's all out-of-control.

Maybe controlling as many and as much as you can would make you feel better.  

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That Cowboy Hat Makes Me Look Fat

Several years ago while in a Western Gear store in Texas, I heard a girl over-yonder say, "This cowboy hat makes me look fat." 

I thought, "Well, there you have it.  If you think it, it shall be it."  That girl was far, far, far from anything you would call fat, heavy or over-weight.

But she believed it. 

How you perceive your world is everything.

How you feel about how you're perceiving is everything.

What you believe forms your perceptions.  

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Power to the Passion...or Not?

Passion is ballyhooed everywhere.  If you open a book, Twitter, FB, Instragram or even your grandma's favorite magazine publication - someone is likely talking about passion and hashtagging it (and I probably will too).

There are 7 + 3 steps to finding your passion and 11 more to follow it, sometimes with a concealed or blatant message of, "A life lived without passion is not worth living" (or something of that sort).  

So...what about passion?  

Do *you* have it?  

Do you feel it?  

Do you have fleeting glimpses of it and get a sense of what it is when you search Google images?

Do you want it?  

Do you think you should have it? 

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Do Your Cupcakes Include Peas and Noodles?

You're not likely to eat something again that doesn't taste good so why would you think and talk about something that doesn't feel good again and again and again?

It's because ...

It's how you've received attention in the past.

It's because...

It's what you think you're supposed to do to solve the things that seem out-of-place.

It's because...

It's what you've seen and experienced other people doing.

And it's because...

You might misunderstand how you construct your reality. 

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Can You Fake It Till You Make It?

Sometimes, our daughter will get this look on her face and she’ll act as if she’s really mad about something.  She would convince any movie director that she’s really mad - but she's not. She’s playing a role and acting it out; she's not feeling it - she's pretending to feel something she's not.  

Do you ever fake how you feel?  Like feeling happy when you're not?

Do you ever pretend to feel something you're not?  Like feeling abundant when you feel utterly broke?

Do you ever pretend to feel confident when you feel insecure?

Do you use the words that sound positive to try to cover up how you feel?

How often do you fake it for the sake of – looking good, not looking bad, hiding, ease, impressing someone - faking how you feel mostly because of the way it would look to someone else or because that's what you think you're supposed to do?

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Your Habits of Thought Are the Only Thing Standing in the Way of You and Your Goals

You're about one week in from making your New Year's Resolutions and setting fresh goals. 

How's it going so far? Hanging in there?  Doing awesome?  Faltering on what you were so excited about one short week ago?

Why do you make resolutions, anyway?  

Do you plan on not-following through?  

Do you expect to follow-through or do you expect you won't?  

Are you motivating yourself to do the thing you said you were going to do with negative consequences? 

How do you feel about your resolutions and goals?

Do you believe you can follow-through, achieve them, own them, live them, drive them, spend them and kiss them?

What you believe and how you feel matters and the achievement of what you want hinges on it.

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The Best New Year's Resolution You Can Make

I found a mug the other day that's been in storage for over 10 years.  My mother gave it to me when I was about 8.  It has a picture of a Hollie Hobbie doll on it with the words, "The time to be happy is now...".

I don't recall if those words held any significance for me as I was growing up.  I do know that I've lived my life learning about the power of happiness mindset and that feeling good now is at the core of what I teach through my coaching.

The time to be happy is now.  Not later, now.

Life happens, and there are many things that may or may not feel out of your control - the people you live with, the people you don't live with, the weather, the government, your animals, other people's animals, your body - you know, that stuff. 

What is in your control is what you think and how you feel.  You're the only one who can think your thoughts and you're the only one who can feel your feelings. 

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Christine MeyerComment
Start from Where You Are

You can always improve your writing.

You can always improve your skiing.

You can always improve your painting.

You can always improve your thinking.

You can always improve how you feel.

You can always improve your golf game.

You can always improve your parenting.

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Christine MeyerComment
Debunking the Myth of Feeling Good

Let's face it.  You're tired of hearing people tell you to just get happy.  

You would if you could, you say.  

You would if those issues in your life would just go away.  

You would if you could just get rid of all of those annoying people in your life.  

You would if you had more money.  

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Christine MeyerComment