Start from Where You Are

You can always improve your writing.

You can always improve your skiing.

You can always improve your painting.

You can always improve your thinking.

You can always improve how you feel.

You can always improve your golf game.

You can always improve your parenting.

You can always improve your baking.

You can always improve your dancing skills.

You can always improve how you feel.

You can always improve your speaking skills.

You can always improve your listening skills.

You can always improve your attitude.

You can always improve your mood.

You can always improve how you feel. 

You can always make more money.

You can always make more stuff.

You can always make more love.

You can always make more.

You can always improve how you feel. 

You can always get more followers.

You can always get more "likes".

You can always get more fame.

You can always get more of what you want.  

You can always improve how you feel. 

But you've got to start somewhere.

Where you start from is never wrong.  It's just a space, a place, a point in time, and a feeling where you're starting from.  

All journeys start from somewhere - just like a plane's journey begins on the runway. 

All journeys begin with how you feel.

So if you want to improve your mood, if you want to make more money, if you want to improve how you think, if you want to improve your skill, if you want to get more of what you want...what do you do?

Know your destination, and begin.

Imagine a map laid out on the table.  Where you are (your skill level, the amount of money you have, the job you have, the relationship(s) you have etc., and the way you feel) is the red push-pin on the map.  There are multiple avenues, roads, and paths you can take from where you are.  Some go off to the left, some off to the right, some behind you and some ahead of you.  

Can you picture it?

For the sake of this example, your "destination" is the improvement or the change you want. The destination is on the right side of where you are (the push-pin).  Off to the left of the push-pin is where you came from, what's you've done "wrong", your history of things not going well for you - that sort of thing.  

When you look off to the right, or when you move in that direction, you feel improvement - it feels better or good. 

When you look off to the left, or move in that direction, you feel worse - it doesn't feel good.  

Consider how you feel a clue to what direction you're taking in your journey.

Consider feeling better the equivalent to taking-off on the runway - you're on your way toward your destination (what you want). 

The first step in any journey forward, is feeling better.

Everything starts with how you feel.  

If you want anything to improve or to change, you have to change how you feel first.  

Start with how you feel.  

Your journey begins with how you feel. 

Start there and keep moving toward feeling better. 

Make feeling better your first step toward anything you want.



Christine MeyerComment