I Hate Turnips and Why It's Ok Not to Like Something

I hate turnips.  I've never liked them.  I don't want to like them.  I don't plan on ever liking them.  They're like eating ear wax to me.  Don't ask...I must have stuck my finger in my ear at one time and made that conclusion.  

While I'm all about changing perspectives, taking different approaches to life, reconsidering things from a different vantage point and changing my mind, I don't foresee any change in my attitude about turnips.  

There are plenty of other choices that offer an array of rainbow-colored vegetables that I enjoy the tasty-taste-of.    

So why make myself like turnips when I don't like them?

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Never Mind the Bucket List. Make a F*ck It List

You may have one of those lists full of things that you want to be, do, lick, have, sniff, squeeze, see, play-with, drive, live-in, and possess that you've thrown into a bucket.  Said list represents things you want to experience before you stop breathing for good.

I'm all for a good Bucket List if that fancies your tickle.  I want you to do all of the things that your heart desires in this lifetime and beyond, so I've created a F*ck It List that just may help you while on your way to fulfilling that Bucket List.  

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Are You Standing in the Way of Your Highest Potential?

You talk about not settling for less than you deserve.

You talk about not settling for less than what you want.

So why settle for less than you can feel?

Insist on feeling good.

Your highest potential is found in this moment in the way that you feel.  It’s much less about the things you achieve or the things you do and more about feeling your best right now in this moment. 

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Every Relationship You Have, Is About You. Really.

We fall in love.  We project how we feel onto somebody else. 

They’re the reason we feel this good.  They’re the reason we feel this awful. 

We read relationship books.  We learn to communicate Mars to Venus and Venus to Mars. 

We sit cross-legged facing each other muttering the words, “What I hear you saying is this…” 

We try to fix them and then decide to fix ourselves

We change ourselves and try to change them.

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To All of You With A Good Dose of Healthy Delusion...This is for You.

You don’t get to where you want to by believing everything you hear.

You don’t fulfill your dreams by pursuing someone else’s.

What’s true for someone else isn’t necessarily what’s true for you.  Nor does it have to be.

Nothing much changes in your current reality if you’re obsessed with the realness of it.

It takes some fortitude to live in this world and focus on what you want when there’s so much that contradicts it.

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Christine MeyerComment
Making Changes and Feeling Scared?

Imagine telling a 4 year old that in the future, she’ll be living somewhere else – not with her parents, siblings or her toys; making her own mac ‘n cheese, sleeping in her own bed every single night (or someone else’s, who knows), buying her own stuff and driving her own car.

Ya…that would go over well, wouldn’t it? 

Said child would flail about and be gripped with fear that what she’s come to know would change and uncertainty would come in and swoop her up into a reality she couldn’t yet comprehend. 

She might be able to imagine going to pre-school or kindergarten.  She may be able to grasp going on a day-trip, a vacation or shopping for new toys.  None of that’s too far from her established beliefs or from what she’s experienced. 

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Christine MeyerComment
Swimming Around In Bothersome Thoughts? Read this.

Something’s got-you-by-the-tail.  It’s got you swimming around in that head of yours - around and around and around.

You just keep swimmin’, just keep swimmin’, just keep swimmin’…

What-oh-what do you do about it?

Ignore it.  Yes, you read that right.  Ignore it.

“That doesn’t make any sense”, you say.  “I’ve always thought about what’s bothering me.  In fact, I find it hard not to talk about it.  I want to talk about it, and I’ve been told by so many other wise humans that talking about it makes it go away.  And so I do it often.  A lot.  Isn’t that what I’m supposed to do?”

I mean ignore it – for awhile.  Set it aside; think less about it – until you feel better.

When you’re talking about what’s bothering you, what are you talking about?  What’s bothering you.  And how do you feel?  Bothered....

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Want to Think More Positively? Get Practicing.

How do you have automatic positive thoughts?

Well, the answer to that is, you probably don’t…especially if you’ve practiced more automatic negative-feeling thoughts than good-feeling ones.   

It not only depends on the subject, but it can also be about your general habitual outlook on life.

So if your habit on a specific subject, or on life in general is more tilted in the negative slant….

It’s going to take some practice...

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