When Things Don't Go According to Plan

Things aren't always going to go as planned, or as you had hoped.

You planned a trip, a natural-birth, a speech, a life.

The trip never happened, the baby came three months early by c-section, your speech was a bust, and your life doesn't look the way you thought it would right now.

Hang in there...

Reveal - the opportunity.

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Christine MeyerComment
The Sting of Rejection

No one wants to be rejected, but we've all been there, haven't we?

You put yourself out there, you let her know how you feel, and she doesn't feel the same way.

You applied for your dream job and they gave it to someone else.

You've been in a committed relationship for a year or decades and he leaves (or he decides he wants something different).

You offer a product or a service and the only person who bought it was the friend you paid to buy it.

Rejection.  It sucks.  Big time.

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Don't Let Your Reality Beat You Up

The reality you’re living is real. 

Dammit….you face it every day.  Every day when you look at your sales.  Every day when you look at your bank account.  Every day when you go to the grocery store.  Or when you want to buy something you can’t afford.

It’s real.  The numbers don’t lie. 

You can’t possibly dream of another reality because this is the one you’re knee-deep into.

But you want something different.  You want some things to change

You want to live a better life....

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The Greener Grass

We do it because we think it’ll be better, we do it because the future promises more, we do it because we want to feel.

What are you putting off to….“when”.

….as in, “I’ll be happy when I live in a new house, get a new job, have more money.” 

... “I’ll be glad when this is over, he’s outta my life, or my kid is over this phase.”

…“I’d feel better if I knew, if I had a job, or if I didn’t have so much to do.”

Is the grass really greener when, or can it be greener now? 

Why wait?

You can feel good on your way to the greener, better, lusher times you want.

Why are you putting off feeling good until you…get there?

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Be a Quitter. Follow Your Freedom

I’ve always been a freedom seeker.

I didn’t break rules per se, although I know for sure I broke some; I wasn't overtly a rebel. I did skip school a lot though.

I’ve always felt a pull in creating my own path rather than following someone else’s.

You may be able to relate. 

I’ve had a strong innate desire of independence since the beginning of time, as in – nobody’s going-to-tell-me-what-to-do entrepreneurial spirit. Living with an entrepreneurial father made it more palpable.  I had jobs and would quit them when I was asked to do things that I thought were unreasonable…or I just didn’t want to do.

I’m not commitment phobic; I’m just more committed to my personal freedom and alignment....

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In All Seriousness, Why Are We Taking Spirituality So Seriously?

We do it for enlightenment.  We do it to become a better person.  We do it because some guru, Shaman, Monk or Buddha must have the wisdom we don’t.


We pursue spirituality and self-development like it’s another job we have to do.  We should do.  We must do.


We want…to fix our flawed-selves, advance ourselves, and grow.


I’m allll about being self-aware.  I’m all about living consciously and being the best version of me.  In fact, I chased that best version of me for a long time, believing I must be faulty, only to discover that I was never defective in the first place.  Only to discover that I had all the wisdom I needed, within me.  Only to discover that I’d been in hot-pursuit of taking myself way-too-seriously. 


I’m for you going after what you want and discovering yourself along the way.


…But does it have to be so serious?  Do the deep questions have to be explored in every conversation?  Do you have to know what’s holding you back, calling you forward, pushing you down and making your aura brown?

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