Because You're Up to Great Things

You're up to great things.  

By great things, I mean:  You're living your life, you're alive, you're breathing, thinking, feeling, deciphering, and choosing what's important and meaningful to you.

By great things, I mean:  Whether you want to change the world, feed the hungry, or bring clean water to those who don't have it; whether you want to have one or ten kids, live in the suburbs of Mississippi and have a fenced-in yard, a cat, a dog and a pet ferret; whether you want riches, multiple businesses and some kind of social "status"; or whether you want a job (or none at all), just making a nice living that gets you by.  

All of these define you're up to great things because you get to choose what you want, and you get to want what you want.  There's nothing that isn't great about any of it.  None of it is meaningless or mediocre.  

And because you're up to great things (no matter how "big" or "small" those things are), I know that however you've identified that you want to live your life, you believe that living your life that way is what makes you (or will make you) happy.  

You're in-charge of the great life that you're up to - every bit of it - and you get to experience as much greatness in as many moments as you choose to.  Since one of the greatest things you can ever experience is being happy and feeling-good, and therefore you've ascertained your way of life and preferences as a way to experience your happiness, I want you to live as much of your greatness as you can possibly allow for yourself.  

To do that, it's helpful to understand and apply some basic premises to your daily awareness.

With each statement that you read below, I'd like you to contemplate what it means to you.  I've purposely not given you long explanations so that you can apply them in ways that you see fit to your own life. 

  • Talking about what you don't want, no matter how justified you are, will only get you more of what you don't want and you don't feel good while you're doing it.

  • Every conversation you have is creating (or repeating) your current or future experiences. So are your thoughts. What do you want to amplify? What do you want to create? How do you want to feel now?

  • Every time you add a "Yes but" into your conversation, you guarantee the "but" to be the reason why you don't have what you want. You can't "Yes but" your way to more of what you want, and when you're "yes-butting", you're not experiencing your greatness. In fact, when you’re “yes-butting” you feel diminished in some way.

  • The only thing standing in the way of what you want are your thoughts, beliefs and expectations about it. Nothing and no one else impedes or holds the keys to what you want. The keys are in your pocket.

  • You don't need more validation; in fact, you couldn't be more validated than you already are. You're so validated that the Universe matches the essence of your thoughts into manifestations that you can see, feel, touch, hear, taste, smell and experience.

  • How you feel is extremely important and is essential to acknowledge but is not meant to be worn as a badge of honor. It wouldn't make sense to search for directions on Waze or Maps, without your current location being known (which is how you currently feel), but identifying your current location doesn't mean you're going to stay there. Using this analogy, most people spend more time staying at their current location justifying or trying to understand how they got there rather than choosing how they'd rather feel (or what would feel better) and moving in the direction of the desired destination.

  • You must improve how you feel for change or improvements to occur.

  • You matter so much that the Universe responds to your thoughts.

  • You're so powerful that your thoughts manifest, as in - they turn into things, people, experiences, rendezvous.

  • There's nothing random in your life. Life is always responding to your signal. There are no exceptions.

  • You are energy. You are frequency. You are vibration.

  • You are your own point of attraction.

You’re up to great things and you are magnificent.

I’d love to hear from you - let me know how you’re using these premises to guide you throughout your day. If you’d like to know more about them with more specifics from me, shoot me an email at and I can expand on them in another newsletter.