The Trappings of "I'll Be Happy When"...

I'll be happy when I lose this extra 5, 10 15 or more lbs.

I'll be happy when my body feels better. 

I'll be happy when my hair is longer.

I'll be happy when I look different than I do. 

I'll be happy when I get the recognition I deserve.

I'll be happy when I get a better job.

I'll be happy when my kid gets through this phase.

I'll be happy when I get a divorce.

I'll be happy when I have a boyfriend/girlfriend or love of my life.

I'll be happy when I move to another place.

I'll be happy when I have my debts paid off.

I'll be happy when I have this much money in the bank. 

I'll be happy when I'm making more money.

I'll be happy when I'm making enough money to pay my bills.

I'll be happy when I win the lottery.

I'll be happy when I can travel.

I'll be happy when I'm on vacation.

I'll be happy when I can do the things I want to do.

I'll be happy when the kids go back to school.

I'll be happy when my kids go to bed. 

I'll be happy when my employees stop taking me for granted.

I'll be happy when my boss respects me.

I'll be happy when I know where my next job is coming from. 

I'll be happy when he gets off my back. 

I'll be happy when my kid gets his life straightened out. 

I'll be happy when my company is making the money it needs to be making to be profitable.

I'll be happy when this election is over.

I'll be happy when we start getting along.

I'll be happy when every life matters. 

I'll be happy when I'm not driving this piece of sh*t anymore.

I'll be happy when he asks me to marry him.

I'll be happy when I'm pregnant.

I'll be happy when I know what's happening in my future.

I'll be happy when this is over.

I'll be happy when this finally starts.


I'll be happy when ....

(Substitute, "I'll be/feel secure, safe, glad, excited, rich, successful, proud, at peace, or any other emotion you hold-out-for, for "happy").

We all do it.

It's a trap.  

The illusion that you'll feel better when...

But Guess What?

Happy doesn't come "when".  "When" will never happen if you don't get happy now. 

Don't put your happiness on hold.