Several weeks ago while on our way to get ice cream, my daughter and I found ourselves slam-dunk in the middle of a very long traffic jam. There was little or no movement and no way of knowing how long we’d be there.
When we set out on our journey, I hadn’t planned on idling for two hours on the freeway en-route to ice-creamy deliciousness that was just-a-short-distance away. Neither did I plan on Franki (my daughter) having to pee during this extended standstill. What to do?
No toilet in sight. No movement forward. No way to pull off the side of the road.
This little event was not planned…..
I didn’t plan on my mother leaving when I was a young child.
I didn’t plan on divorcing my husband of 15 years, moving to another country and ending up in Pennsylvania.
I didn’t plan on getting pregnant, having a child, or having a girl. (I really thought I'd be more suited to having a boy).
I didn't plan on have an emergency c-section (I had a home birth planned)!
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