Show Yourself

Show yourself…

When you align with your true essence, it's like you - getting out-of-the-way.  

It's like you - letting the door(s) open for you. 

It's like you - in an inner-tube in the water and letting it float you.  

It's you allowing the life that you desire to come-on-in and be your experience.  

When you:

Make it harder than it needs to be, struggle, justify, try to prove, argue for your limitations, look for the worst, look for problems, let things continue to bother you…

And when you:

Feel like you don't deserve it, compare yourself to others or get into a habit of thinking about things that don't feel good - that's like you shading yourself from the good that's already there - or closing the door to the opportunities that are lined-up for you.  

I want you to live a good life - that means feeling good and having the things and the experiences that you want.  

Alignment is key to all of it and here are some ways to promote that.

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Christine MeyerComment
Warning: This May Cause a Heightened Sense of Self-Empowerment

There are a lot of people on this planet who believe that when something good happens it's luck, coincidence or good karma and when something they perceive as "bad" happening, it's the planets, bad luck, bad juju, or bad karma descending upon them as punishment for something wrong that they've done.  

If that's you, this is likely where you'll want to stop reading this. I'm happy you believe in something that makes sense to you.

If you are one who believes (or at least wants to believe) that you create your reality and that everything that happens in your experience is because of what you've been thinking and feeling (even if it's been oblivious on your part) then read on.  It means that you want creative control of your own experience. 

Listed below are some guidelines to help you with that.

Warning:  This may cause a heightened sense of self-empowerment.  

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Because You're Up to Great Things

You're up to great things.

By great things, I mean: You're living your life, you're alive, you're breathing, thinking, feeling, deciphering, and choosing what's important and meaningful to you.

By great things, I mean: Whether you want to change the world, feed the hungry, or bring clean water to those who don't have it; whether you want to have one or ten kids, live in the suburbs of Mississippi and have a fenced-in yard, a cat, a dog and a pet ferret; whether you want riches, multiple businesses and some kind of social "status"; or whether you want a job (or none at all), just making a nice living that gets you by.

All of these define you're up to great things because you get to choose what you want, and you get to want what you want. There's nothing that isn't great about any of it. None of it is meaningless or mediocre.

And because you're up to great things (no matter how "big" or "small" those things are), I know that however you've identified that you want to live your life, you believe that living your life that way is what makes you (or will make you) happy.

You're in-charge of the great life that you're up to - every bit of it - and you get to experience as much greatness in as many moments as you choose to. Since one of the greatest things you can ever experience is being happy and feeling-good, and therefore you've ascertained your way of life and preferences as a way to experience your happiness, I want you to live as much of your greatness as you can possibly allow for yourself.

To do that, it's helpful to understand and apply some basic premises to your daily awareness.

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Same issues popping up? Here’s why

Have you noticed the thing you have a problem with or the things you have issues with are the things that keep showing up in your life?

Telltale signs are, you hear yourself say,

  • “My problem is this (fill in the blank)”,

  • “I have an issue with (fill in the blank)",

  • "I can't, I haven't been able to, this keeps happening...",

  • "I've been feeling this way (fill in the blank for your feels) for a long time",

  • and "I struggle with ...."

You often talk about said problem, issue, feels or patterns, #1, because you can't help it (because of the momentum you've got going on around it - more on that in a later post), and #2, because it temporarily makes you feel better to know you're not the only human on the planet who's having this experience or feeling this way.

Don't get me wrong, human bonding is good, and it can sometimes help to know you're not the only one, but bonding over what you don't want more-of, is not a habit I encourage.

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Christine MeyerComment
With Every Lock, Comes a Key

I’ve written this in response to the questions I’ve been receiving (either directly or indirectly) about our current global situation:

If you begin from a vibrational premise, then all things can be understood - even those things that seem so big and so “wrong” or beyond “understandable”. From a vibrational lens, there’s nothing ever imperfect happening, in this universe of perfect, individual and collective vibrational asking and answering.

What’s being asked for, is always what’s being answered.

“The problem” is always a solution in disguise. With the problem, solutions are birthed that couldn’t have been there without the problem coming first.

Within the problem are the answers you’ve been seeking, from which you’ll continue to want and ask for more.

What could this “problem” be creating and solving? Responding to and answering?

Life forms and informs you.

If you look at people’s responses (or reactions) to this current situation – it helps you understand that this is simply a manifestation of the fear-based and paranoid culture that we live in. Thoughts and emotions lead to things. They manifest. But a further manifestation of something unwanted (ie., a manifestation that seems more obvious or observable) creates a stronger desire for something wanted. Nothing will make the essence of what you’ve been vibing (and therefore being a vibrational match to) clearer than when something like this happens. It demonstrates to you how you feel, what you *were* feeling and what you believe along with opportunities to choose more deliberately how you now want to feel, and what you now want to believe. It brings clarity. It brings choice. It brings empowerment.

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It's All You

Most people go through life feeling like it’s more or less random.  

Might that be you?

You’re managing, sure.  You’ve got a pretty good handle on most things –– you get up in the morning and have your beverage of choice, go to work, interfacing with mostly the same people, doing the same things, thinking the same thoughts, hit repeat and do it again tomorrow.  You do all the right things, mostly, and so everything works, mostly.

All well and good, until...

You launch that product or service you thought was really great, and it totally flops.

Your in-laws just. won’t. change. those super annoying habits.

The government, hhmm, shall we say, Trump?...does something that feels out of your hands.

The control you’ve asserted in the past, worked.

The control you’re trying to assert now, doesn’t.

Wtf gives?

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Who are you now?

The stories that replay in your head can be so loud.

The things they said, you thought were true.

The way you used to feel shows up in your now, taking you back to when you were three when your father left, when you were twelve when the kids on the playground made fun of you, or from your more recent past when you chose yourself instead of him.

Echoes from your past,

“Who do you think you are?”

“Get over it.”

“You’re not as good as her or as pretty as her.”

“You’ll never amount to anything.”

“Put up and shut up.”

The voice of scorn, “Your work isn’t good enough”, “No one will ever want to marry you”, “You want too much,” or, “You think the whole universe revolves around you, don’t you?” (Well yes, as a matter of fact it does, thank you.)

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